the art of sherardizing

"We do what others can't!"

Jörg Savelsberg

In brief

In 1990, Jörg Savelsberg started his company with sherardizing-diffuzing galvanizing as its core activity.

This way of surface treatment is unique in the Netherlands!

SHERART has developed into a strong niche player over the past 30 years and is ISO 9001:2015 certified.

Our last renovation was completed in 2020, so that we are happy to serve you from a modern building!

Because the environment is also an important issue for us, we are proud to have obtained the ISO 14001 certificate since 2023.

The partner for European industry

What matters to our customers and how can we come up with solutions that help them further?

As an innovative partner, we are happy to coordinate our processes with you.

We develop and invest in energy-efficient, environmentally friendly production processes and in the well-being of our employees.

This working method has led to us today being seen both nationally and internationally as the address in the field of diffusion galvanizing.

Feel free to challenge us to advise you on the corrosion protection of your products.

Welcome to SHERART!

Why choose SHERART?

30 years of experience


ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certified

modern production company

Ensure quality

Saying that you consider quality an important value is one thing, actually putting it first within your business processes is another.

SHERART works according to different standards and is ISO 9001:2015 TUV certified.

Corrosion Test Center

To guarantee quality now and in the future, we continuously invest in process control.

In our own Corrosion Test Center (CTC) we check and optimize the process, prototypes and end products. So that we can not only say that an application is good, but also prove it with test results.

Sherardization and sustainability

Sustainability plays a major role within SHERART.

We design our products and processes as environmentally friendly as possible.

Our focus is on energy and fuel savings and reduction of CO2 emissions. ISO 14001 is our guideline for this.

In the workplace we stimulate the so-called RRR culture: Reduce, Re-use, Recycle.

Our markets